3 Weeks out and a change of plans

Okay time, you can slow down just a little bit.


This past week was different than what both Justin and I had anticipated. With the last 20 something weeks, we have worked to keep a really consistent training schedule (aside from a few breaks). This week was kind of a bust in that area. Justin was able to get a few runs in, I barely got half a run in.

Rough week.

20190119_171133000_iosPersonally, I really look forward to Saturday because this is our long run day that is not dictated by any sort of time or stress. We had to go to the rec because of the severe weather that was going to roll in. My body just did not want to run inside, I knew this, deep down, before we even started. I was able to run just under 3 miles and stopped. Usually I am able to push through my desire to stop mid run but this time, I just couldn’t. Justin was able to get 3 miles in and then we both hopped on the rowing machine, to get some sort of a finish in.

“The next day will be better”, I told myself.

Because our race is only a few weeks away, we have decided to cut out our speed work and focus more on miles and recovery. So, Sunday (the start of the next week) was a run day and not a track day.

IT WAS SO COLD OUTSIDE! 20190120_203317122_ios

I am a hot weather runner so these cold snap days are brutal for me. I always tend to get used to the cold weather but I am not a fan of that initial get going freezing cold feeling. I also looked like I was about to hit the slopes and not go for a run.

Thankfully, the sun was out which made the blistering wind almost bearable.

Justin and I were able to get in 3 outside miles at my HMP (9:15-9:30 pace). I could have easily gone farther but ended up stopping because UPDATE: Justin has shin splints in one of his legs. *Insert sad face emoji*

I know, it’s awful. He’s been in pain for a little over a week now and has rested with a slower pace and some intense recovery. After yesterdays run, Justin made the decision that this upcoming week he is going to completely take off from running (maybe next two weeks). Let’s face it, the best way to heal from shin splints is to NOT run… at all. With our race being so close, we really want both of us to be in our best health so we can try and run our best run. We have worked so stinkin’ hard for this. It will happen!

Justin has the stamina to run the miles, we both know that. So, now our focus is to ensure that he is physically able to do the same.

So, this upcoming week will look very different than the past million. I will continue to run and crosstrain. Justin will supplement strength training (not with legs) and crosstraining where a run would happen with some serious recovery afterward.

A little speed bump in the road, but it’s okay. We have trained hard and will run this race well, no matter what.

20 days left!

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