6 Weeks Until We Race and Christmas in Texas

Happy 2019! Remember us, Run Box Run? It’s been a little while, hasn’t it?


With the Holidays, our training became all sorts of chaos which meant so did the blog posting. We tried to maintain our day-to-day workout schedule but something more important always seemed to come up or get in the way. We had spurts of workouts but nothing consistent enough to qualify as a good week of posting.

So, to be honest, I have absolutely NO idea what week we are on because technically it’s been a few weeks since we’ve completed a whole week.

Based on the last blog posts, we should be on week 13. Based on our-time table, week 16 or 17?

Regardless, I do know that we are 6 weeks from the race we have been training for! AH!

That’s so crazy and scary to think about.

6 weeks seems like nothing compared to where we started which makes me very nervous that I am not where I need to be.

With the pressure of time closing in, I am more than motivated to get these runs and workouts done.

Aside from the running inconsistencies, Justin and I both had a really nice Christmas. We were able to take time to visit my family in Texas as well as Justin’s family a few hours north of us. Justin and I had a wonderful time and both had a very nice running theme for gifts. New gear makes running so much more fun. Justin has been fighting some massive cold virus so we have been home relaxing for a good portion of the holiday. It has also been raining nonstop so motivations to do anything are practically non-existent.

A jumbled update but I wanted to share a bit from the last few weeks!

Pre-Holiday Workout

Although this was spread out over a two week span, Justin and I did manage to get a solid long run, recovery run, and cross train workouts in!

The long run was really good. I was able to run 8 miles at a 9:30 pace without stopping! Justin pumped out a solid 12 miles at an 8:45 pace.

The next day was met with incredibly sore muscles and a much needed recovery 2 mile walk/run/waddle.


This was also my first time running in tights and I didn’t hate it (although I am struggling with finding a pair that fit my waist and legs correctly).

The latter half of the pre-holiday break was spent rowing on the machines. We knew it would be a while before we would get back to these things so we took advantage. I am definitely dreading the first workout back though.



Christmas Time

Thus ends our working out until after Christmas.

Justin and I packed up the car and headed to Texas for a week with my family. It had been a few years since we had been back to the great state so I was so excited!


10 hours later we made it!

We spent the first part of this trip visiting family and some dear friends.

We then headed a few miles west, homeward, where Justin and I basked in all things family and Christmas, Hallmark movies included! Both my brothers were in town for Christmas morning, along with our family cat Kiddums who is pushing 17 or 18 years. It was a really great day and so nice to just be home.







Of course, the trip ended way to fast and we were on our way back home before we knew it. Our puppies were with Justin’s family and kitty was at home (watched by a friend), so I was really excited to see them. But, very sad to say goodbye. It didn’t help that we had to drive through some pretty awful weather (we always drive through the worst weather!)

We did make it home safe and sound and thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in our own bed.

We have a few days left off before routines start settling back into place. We have started up our training, once again (thank goodness), with a bit of new years motivation. Very blessed with the past few weeks, even if our attempts at working out didn’t quite follow through.

6 weeks left until our race, let’s do this!


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